Name-Demilade Adefunke Akin-lewis(I'll teach you how to pronounce it when we see ;-) but in the mean time, you could just call me Demi like everyone else does.
Dancing, Reading and just hanging out with friends and family. Dancing's always been a part of me. I've been dancing for years and it's just something that I love doing. Although I'm not as serious about it as I used to be, play a song and you'll see me busting my moves (: Reading is more of a hobby, because I love books. Alot of the knowledge that I have on certain topics, comes through me reading. Give me an interesting book, and it does not matter how big it is i'll be done the next day, at most in 2 days. I do not have alot of friends, but the ones that I call friends are mostly family. Precisely my mother and sisters, because you can always count on them. The other view that are not related by blood are really just selfless people whom I can learn from each day. One of them said this to me the other day "do no see the challenges in opportunites, but see the opportunities in challenges". Or it goes something like that. I have not known this person too long, but I can already tell that I will be learning a great deal from her the more time I spend with her.
More interests-
As much as I hate flying, travelling is something that I love to do. Learning new things about people, their culture and values is something that interests and facinates me. It is scary stepping out of your comfort zone, stepping out of that box, but in the long run, these experiences gotten change alot of our perceptions on life. It broadens our horizon, it awakens us to the other side of life. It makes us realize that there is more to life that what we are accustomed to and it makes us much wiser beings at the end of the day.
Hopes for GIEU Vietnam
I'm looking forward to learning not just about the people of Vietnam, but also learing about the people in the group. I'm looking forward to embracing every experience and applying each to my life outside of Vietnam. I'm looking forward to making friends and just being a support system fro everyone on the trip. I'm looking forward to alot of things, some of which I do know yet. But i'm just looking forward to the experience and wondering how it will affect me and shape me on My return to the U.S.
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