(May 3 – May 29, 2010)
Volunteer - Take part in community service in various locations in Vietnam to help young children and people in need.
Interaction - Make more friends in Vietnam, take part in collaborative volunteer projects.
Education- Learn about education system and various aspects of life in Vietnam.
Travel - Travel throughout the country from North to Center and South of Vietnam to experience life from many parts of the country
While many students are aware of the ways in which the Viet Nam war has permeated American politics and culture, very few are cognizant of the rich cultural traditions in Viet Nam or that it is among the fastest growing economies in Southeast Asia today. Accordingly, this project intends to study the dichotomy between tradition and modernity as Viet Nam becomes further connected to the global economy. In addition, through service work with several NGOs, it will expose Michigan undergraduates to the human consequences and lasting legacies of war while promoting a greater understanding of Viet Nam’s growing importance to today’s global economy.
Xin chào!
My name is ThuyAnh, I am GIEU Teaching Fellow, one of the leaders of the group. My name often goes by TA, which I can come up with some nice names such as The Ambassador, True Adventurer, etc.
I am from, Hanoi, Vietnam. So it's always great to show other people my country. I am also happy that we can travel and do some meaningful work in Vietnam through our community service as well. This is going to be my third trip with GIEU. I hope I can tell more later about the trip. But I think my picture from Dong Ha tells more than I can say with a thumb up. I sometimes like to Take Action. That is what TA could possibly mean :)