Full Name: Evan Zachary Belknap
D.O.B: Oct./06/1989
Nationality: Irish American (no accent :/)
-Volunteering: I truly believe that service to others is the key to fully developing oneself as a person.
-Travel: I don't get to travel nearly enough (so far). However after our adventure together in Vietnam I am headed to visit my brother in Los Angeles, California for a week. A few short months later I will be doing a study abroad in Versailles, France for a semester.

-Activities: Generally I love anything that's outside and exhilarating, new experiences, learning, teaching/mentoring, things to push me outside my comfort zone... More specifically:
- Sports/Games: Basketball, Swimming, Pool, Dancing (I'd love to learn break/swing/ballroom dance), Skiing (Snowboarding next time I get out there!), Cliff-Diving, Speeding, Public Speaking, Intelligent Argument, recently I've been getting into Muey Thai a bit... At times: Soccer, Tennis, Darts, Ping-Pong, Some shooter video games
- Movies/ TV mini-series: I love movies! Recently my latest obsessions have been- Spartacus, Californication, Dexter
- Reading: Social Science/psychology focused reading. Fiction. The Count of Monte Cristo is by far my favorite book, if I had more time, I'd start reading it again tonight
- Music: Love Dirty Electro House music, open to almost any other type

I hope this short profile was helpful in learning a bit about me. I'm so excited to meet you all in person and start our adventures in Vietnam!!!
...P.s. If any of you use facebook and want to get to know me a bit more feel free to send me a friend request