Work hard Play hard in Da Nang

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Introduction from UMF

Hey!! I guess I'll just jump right into this introduction...

Full Name: Danielle Rae Arnold
DOB: 08/25/1988


Soccer: I've played soccer since elementary school. Unfortunately I haven't got to play much since college, but I have got a few chances to coach. Currently I am helping coach a group of girls 12 and under. I absolute love coaching and my team! (I'm going to miss most of their games during the Vietnam trip :( )

Taking Pictures: My camera is with me everywhere I go. Everything is a photo opportunity! I'm even buying a special 8GB memory card just for this trip so I can take as many pictures as I want. I'm addicted!!

Travelling: This will be my first real trip out of the country. I have gone to Canada a couple times, but the areas I've been in are so much like the U.S. that it hardly counts as leaving the country. I've been many places in the U.S. Washington state (the northwest part of it) is one of my favorites. I wouldn't mind living there one day.
Some recent travel photos:

Other Interests: Reading, Singing (Not Well!), Movies, Basketball... I like a lot of things.

You can add me on Facebook and we can talk more if you want! I'm really excited to meet you all! See you soon...!

I will post again soon with pictures and info about University of Michigan - Flint